· By Jaeger Schnuerle
In this series we will breakdown key principals and fundamental skills that will give you the edge when conducting surveillance, first we will go over some intelligence terms used to specify what we are talking about, it is important to understand the terminology regarding a specific task.
Intelligence - Intelligence or intel for short is defined as the product resulting from collection, evaluation, and interpretation of information which concerns one or more aspects of a foreign nation, or of functional or geographic areas, and which is immediately or potentially significant to the development and execution of plans, policies, and operations.
Information - Information or info for short is defined as the unevaluated material of every description including that derived from observation, communication, reports, rumors, imagery, social media, and other sources.
Reconnaissance - Reconnaissance or recon for short is defined as a mission undertaken to obtain information about the activities or resources of an enemy or potential enemies.
Observation - Observation or obs for short is defined as the acquisition of facts and the recording of specific information, pertaining to the perception of details regarding persons, objects, places, and events.
Target Acquisition - Target Acquisition is defined as the detection, location, and identification of a target with sufficient accuracy and detail to permit the effective employment of weapons.
Surveillance - Surveillance is defined as the all weather, day and night, continuous systematic observation of the battlefield for intelligence purposes.
Now that we have the basic terms laid out, we can get into intelligence requirements, the next post will dive into Battlespace Area Evaluation (BAE) and all the elements required to be successful.