· By Jaeger Schnuerle
Now that we've got the basic intelligence terms down, we can move into Intelligence Requirements.
The commanders personal vision based on his understanding of the mission, the battlespace, and the enemy is know as the Commander's Battlespace Area Evaluation. This is important because the visualization will be passed down to transmit critical information to the subordinate unit commanders and the other relative staff. If you are working in a small team this would be the leaders vision / goal for what needed to be accomplished.
Below we will breakdown CCIR's, PIR's, EEI, OIR,s.
Commanders Critical Intelligence Requirements (CCIR's)
The CCIR's identify information on friendly activities, enemy activities, and the environment that the commander deems critical to maintaining situational awareness, planning future activities, and assisting in timely and informed decision making. Commanders and leaders alike will use CCIR's to help them confirm their vision of the battlespace, assess desired effects, and how they will go about accomplishing the mission.
Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR's)
A PIR is an intel requirement associated with a decision that will critically affect the overall success of the command's mission. These are usually the top 3-5 CCIR's. You as the person on the ground need to answer these CCIR's and PIR's and report the information back.
Essential Elements of Information (EEI)
An EEI is a specific fact about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities needed by adversaries to plan and execute effective operations against friendly forces.
Other Intelligence Requirements (OIR's)
OIR's pertain to the collection of information on other capabilities, vulnerabilities, and characteristics of the area of operations, which may also affect the accomplishment of the mission.
Understanding the joint battlespace at the operational level of war in which you, your team, your unit, etc. will operate in is an important step in setting the conditions for their success. You must understand the relationship between the area of operations, area of influence, and the area of interest.
Area of Operations
The are of operations or AO is an operational area defined by the force commander for land, air, and naval forces conduct of combat and non-combat activities.
Area of Influence
The area of influence is the three dimensional geographical area wherein a commander is directly capable of influencing operations by maneuver or fire support system normally under the command or control of the commander.
Area of Interest
The area of interest contains friendly and enemy forces, capabilities, infrastructure, and terrain that concern the commander. This area includes the area of influence, and those areas that contain the current or planned objectives or enemy forces that are capable of ruining the mission